Submission Guidelines

Currently I am not expecting submissions. Keep an eye out, I expect to be opening submissions up near the end of the month. I will post on twitter when I am once again accepting review requests.

Submission Guidelines

1 - I do not review specific genres, though there is one major thing to note. If submitting a story that contains erotic scenes please inform me of that in your request. I have readers of all ages and would like to keep it to a R-rating.

2 - Read some of my reviews before submitting your request. I review in my own way and it may not be for everyone.

3 - Send all email corespondance to

4 - Please do not attach a file to your initial request. If you have a synopsis you'd like me to read, copy and paste into the body along with your request. I will contact you when I can give you a date for your review and request your manuscript at that time.

5 - If submitting a request for an interview, guest blog, advertisement, or any other promotional post; please email me with all the information and what your expectations are? Such as dates, certain times, content etc.

6 - I do advertise my blog on twitter (@ZachTyo) and a few other sites. To ensure the upmost visibility for your review please advertise it in your circles as well. You are more than welcome to take any excerpt you wish for your story. I only ask that you link it back to the main review where possible.

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